Greenpoint plaza is open to anyone. It sees pedestrians and cyclists coming and going, the carriers loading and unloading their bikes.
Called "The Pineapple Express," the area is one of the busiest on the Manhattan bike lane system. The ride can take up to 10 minutes.
Cyclists and pedestrian crossing can be seen along the stretch where the roadway crosses I-90.
The elevated stretch of I- 90 has shaped the design of the Pine Popcorn.
On the west side, pedestreholders on the I-495 highway can see a permanent demonstration of the bikeway.
Every year, thousands of cycling enthusiasts use the Pike Plaza as a way to view the opening of the new bike access lane on the east side.
Since July, 2009, the Pines are also open for public use by cyclers to cross I-95 and the West Side elevated Beltway.