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But the number is being suppressed. In 2000, there were 18 million individuals in the U.S. who needed health insurance. Without it, the number of children under age 5 needing health insurance is down 10 percent. If there were no children under 5 in the study with an uninsured parent, if there were only children under sixteen who needed insurance, and if the uninsure rate was low, the total number of under-age children in the network would have been nearly tripled.
No children under the age of 18 were in the women’s network, nor were children under 17 in the men’s. This is because women and girls are not seeing a great deal of coverage on the market. Also, since there is also more than a half-million women who are not looking for coverage, there are likely more people who would be covered.
Health insurance costs in the United States are projected to rise 4 percent over the next 20 years to nearly $36 billion. That translates to an average annual premium for a single adult in 2012 of about $35,000, or a yearly premium of $10,300. The higher the premium, the greater the chance that people will be eligible for coverage.
Figure 2. Average annual premières for all ages, in 2012, US$
Note: All pPVs are proportional to the number (thousand or more) people who are either covered, or able to afford coverage. For the full sample, where applicable, the increase in the pPvs is adjusted for heterogeneity.
There are now nearly 39 million people in the US without health insurance, the median age at that time was 23, and the unemployment rate is 5.9 percent. (Notice that the results from the Rand study are consistent with those from a study of the same population using the same baseline: in one year, the unprepared population represents those who lived in the country between 2000 and 2010, while the individual with health insurance represents those born in 1970 and older.)
According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), a thirteenth o