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Earlier, Capitol Hill Republicans said repealing the Affordable Care Act is the real "problem" they face.
“We must keep talking about repealing Obamacare,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told reporters. “There is no way the Affairable Care act will be repealed.”
Republican Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) said a better proposal would be to “create a national” health care system.
[Blog: GOP puts ‘free speech’ to the test]
Portman said the GOP would look to build health care “to the maximum that we can create a national program.”
The U.S. currently has no federal health care and penalties for people not paying taxes on health insurance, he said, adding that politicians must think of different options.
Announcements, Events & more from Tyee and select partners ‘Punch to the Gut’ Musical on Residential Schools Returns to Vancouver Children of God has been shaped by intense audience reactions, says director Corey Payette.
For weeks now, the Tyee has been calling attention to the sprawling construction of the Trump-branded Columbia Pictures Building at the end of Washington’s 23rd Street Bridge over the Hudson River.
Built in 2007, the Building, which has become a model for private renovations and office space, is a symbol for Trump’s efforts to instill a “business-friendly brand of conservatism” in Trump City.
The local real estate company behind the Ballston Group, Ryan Trust Co., immediately began increasing construction expansions at the building, which in October became a site of the BIG announcement that “America’s most beautiful transit spot” will become a movie palace, but also a place to film and unveil films.
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Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) was less specific and said the Senate was “making the right decisions” about repeal.
“Senators have real concerns about repeating Obamacycare,