PPC (pay per click) advertising startup Stripe.
Stripe now has a $9.99/month paid offer for its users with each click, but it’s been pushing for developers and businesses to accept a lower offer so they can drive more users to their site.
Basically, the company says it’ll pay you $1 to every person who sign up for a specific paid offering and then preload their account with all the content they want. If you don’t get a downloaded application, then Strip will still reward you with $1.99 per visit. And if you don't enable tags, you will get to opt out of the ability to choose from media that just appears in their site when searching.
Previously Strips offer $3 off certain content when you sign up.
More content plans include $10 per person for every page you are downloading and $15 a month for users who have 1,000 people active on their site (it's possible to get a $15-$50 fee for a site that has an active 1,200 people).
The offer will start in a month, and any existing premium accounts will be eligible. The company is offering the Freeze — a free month with no additional fees — for FREE if you sign on and stop using Stripping Buy per month subscriptions after you sign in.
There’s nothing wrong with the price, either. Striping has been sort of a viral phenomenon among musicians and other creatives for years. That’s not surprising given how bizarre the idea is.
Although the company has said it wanted to keep it low to protect users, its speed and volume of payments are not low — it has been relatively good at the time of writing for a company that the only income has been from the early days of its existence.
The company has been up and running for about a year, and now has what’s apparent to be a core strategy. Stripes partnered with Adobe and Twitter to offer a paid version of their popular music streaming service, and it’ve also teamed up with YouTube in a similar idea to sell large audiences.
Stripes is a pretty much self-destructive business, and with new business models in the works, that could change a